The Universe is always listening

But what does that really mean? First let me say I use the word Universe but we al use different words to describe our higher power, Source, Father God, Mother Earth, etc.

Most of you reading this have heard about the law of attraction and most of us have a least “tried” it. The theory is basically this, you can speak and think into existence the things you desire. Speak your “POSITIVE” manifestations into existence. Sounds easy, right? The discipline is key. Discipline to not only do this daily, but discipline also to make it an automatic habit. Most of us can sit for a few moments and say, I am manifesting this, or I can see and feel what that will feel like when it happens to me. But can you do that consistently? AND even more importantly, when you aren’t “doing it” what are the messages you are putting forth?

Do you have negative self talk?

Do you speak poorly of others?

Do you speak untruths?

Let’s start with negative self talk. Most people have fallen victim to thinking or speaking negatively about themselves. I “can’t” do that I am not fit enough. I am not pretty enough to do that. I am always late. Often we do so in jest, poking fun at ourselves to others. While it may seem funny at the time, the Universe is listening! So if you are trying to manifest good health and using an affirmation such as, “I am fit and healthy” but at the same time you are also saying things to others like, I am just meant to be fat, I will NEVER fit in that size or be able to complete a marathon, etc ec. You get the point. What message are you manifesting? The one you spend a few minutes focusing on everyday or the dialog you repeat again and again and again?

Next lets talk about speaking poorly of others. She is always ………. He NEVER………… They hate me! At the same time we clearly want/need to have this person or these people in our lives. But is the Always or Never do things that upset you, why? And more importantly why help solidify their short comings by repeating them, not only to yourself but others? Even worse we perpetuate it when we include others in the negative chatter as we gossip and now bring even more voices in to solidify our claim and add more fuel to the energy brewing around our words.

Last consider untruths. This is going to be a tough pill for many of you to swallow, but consider this, you do not want to go somewhere for example, maybe an event, or work etc. Do you simply say I am not feeling up to it? Or do you speak an untruth to take the pressure of yourself? My car broke down, I have a head ache, My child is sick. Or I didn’t get that to you in time because my computer was broken, my internet was down, we lost power and had no electricity. Consider for a moment that you are speaking untruths into existence. Yup, let me say that again, you are not just telling an untruth (which bring up other problems) but you are speaking into existence your untruths.

Sounds all gloom and doom right? But it is not! Now that you are considering the outcome of negative self talk about yourself or others and the impact of even a white lie you can begin to better control what you are manifesting into existence.

Now NO ONE is gonna be perfect at this out of the gate. We didn’t get these bad habits over night it took time and breaking them will also take a little time. In the meantime however there are things we can do to help manifest the life we dream of.

First start everyday with Affirmations, why? Start the day with affirmations because it is a chance to build yourself up and set your day on a positive trajectory. Next EVERY time something goes your way stop and say YES! That is what I am talking about!! I’ll take more of THAT!!!!!!! Even the little things.

Lastly if you do slip, STOP IMMEDIATELY and say, I clear and cancel that statement…. Then say something positive about you or the person you were trash talking (even if you were only talking to yourself). For example. Looking at a magazine of someone on a beach and even thinking, Well she can pull that off I will never be that thin. STOP “I clear and cancel that statement. I am healthy and tone. I make the decisions that support healthy living.” or how about this one…. “She NEVER listens to me and is insensitive to my needs. STOP “I clear and cancel that statement. I am blessed to have her as a part of my life and we are committed to supporting and lifting each other up.” And last but not least. I can’t come or will be late because my car won’t start. STOP “I clear and cancel that statement. I chose to only speak truths, I have all the tools I need to complete my obligations and manage them masterfully.”

In closing if you want the Universe/Source/God/Your higher power to be your partner in manifesting the life you dream of then you must be clear about what you REALLY want. Chose your words carefully & remember, the Universe is ALWAYS listening!




How do i write an affirmation?


Lions Gate - 101