Lions Gate - 101
Monthly we have the New Moon and Full Moon Cycles to help renew us. The Lions ’s Gate Portal is a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 28 and August 12, and peaks on August 8 (8/8). It takes place when the sun, earth, orion’s belt and Sirius are lined up.
For that to happen the sun has to be in Leo, Orions belt and the earth aligned THEN the rising of the star Sirius is the final activator.
Since the event happens when the sun is Leo season (the sign known for strength and determination), thus the name Lion’s Gate Portal.
The Lions gate portal only happens once a year 8/8 -88 Infinity
A once-a-year opportunity to tap in & tune up.
Right now, the sun in Leo is going to be a great idea for all of us to connect with nature. Spend some time in nature. Why? connect with nature to connect to source because that is this actually what creates life in our life right is the sun because without the sun there would be no life.
A few quick thoughts-
There is no right or wrong way
I think it is important to empower you to think for yourself. Yes you can and will seek the advice and input of others. Yes sometimes we question our own intuitive abilities, but do NOT rely so much on others that you lose yourself. You are powerful and you have the ability to tap into your intuitive gifts. No one should ever be beholden or at the mercy of another. So learn from the people who cross your path, but always remember to continue to develop and trust your own intuition. I want you to be able to find your way with manifesting with connecting to spirit. Your way of manifesting is always going to be unique for each and every individual person
Before we manifest anything it is good to cleanse your space
First step today is cleanse you will be working in cleanse your space, cleanse yourself, cleanse your tools .
Cleansing before you start allows you to off fresh and clean slate so you're feeling grounded and present.
Next ground yourself a great way to ground your energy is through breath work or meditation.
We are in fire season with the Leo moon, why not take advantage of that and do some grounding outside. I know its hot so it doesn’t have to be long, but go outside, take off your shoes connect with the earth, Sit or stand and close your eyes and listen to the beautiful song nature provides
Breathe in
Breath out
This might be a good place and time to complete your gratitude time as well
Give gratitude for all the things that you currently have before asking for more now
Whatever you choose to call it; The Universe, God, Spirit, Mother Father Earth wherever you choose to call it take a moment to communicate gratitude for everything you have already been given, grateful for all the places it has taken you and where you are currently right now in your life. This allows room for more blessings.
We are in fire season so why not use the fire element, doesn’t get much fierier than The Sun! Doing the following steps?
If you can – go outside use the sun, it is the sun sign we are working with!
Step one – write down what you want to manifest. can write this on a piece of paper or you could write it in your manifestation journal it's up to you how you wanna do it whichever way that you feel best to manifest.
Write all you want to manifest in your life it could be for next week it could be for this month it could be for the next three months, six months, nine months, 12 months.
Whether you are looking for clarity in your life, looking for spirit to show you some signs if you need to make a specific move or not.
Just write down everything this is your opportunity to just give it to the sun. You are sending a special delivery message asking for exactly what you want
Next fold the piece of paper 3 times towards you
I like to say the following
Thank you for loving me!
Thank you for always providing what is in my highest and best good!
Thank you for all the good that I have in my life!
Put that piece of paper over your hearts or if you are writing in your manifestation journal place it over your heart meditate on the things that you are asking for
the things that you are grateful for, get to a joyful place where you feel good ,meditate in the sun on the things you want to manifest manifest it, with it over your heart in the sun
Let the sun “Fire” those manifestations up for you, even if it's just five to 10 minutes that’s ok you're lifting up your intentions on this piece of paper.
If you can’t meditate in the sunlight place the piece of paper or journal outside in the sunlight once you’re done or you could even leave the paper or journal on your windowsill for a couple days and like the sun get to it but
There are also some crystals that are beneficial during this time. You can add these crystals to your manifestations that you can manifest with your crystal also like hold it in your hand while you are holding it on top with your heart and your piece of paper with your manifestation and use it to your benefit or even when you're just meditating anyway you know throughout the days you can use this crystal or any other crystal I mean with you today to manifest during the Lionsgate.
Here are some crystals to consider utilizing during your meditation & manifestation so you can manifest with your crystal also you can hold it in your hand while you are holding on top with your heart and your piece of paper with your manifestation and use it to your benefit or even when you're just meditating anyway you know throughout the days you can use this crystal or any others that I need with you today to manifest during the Lionsgate portal and some of the crystals that you'll be able to work with is as a right to dream sodalite amethyst molded white tigers eye and blue kyanite OK those crystals are always going to be good to work with especially that's a train and tigers eye OK I mean especially those you wanna call in the money you wanna column B determination and fire energy I'm even gonna add red jobs for to it OK that creativity energy whatever crystals you really flow with you know naturally let that also be the crystal you work with OK even clear course is going to be a great one as always because you want to call it clarity you want to call in your downloads so you can take the next step so you could get to go where you really wanna go you get to experience the things that you are destined to and get to have the things that you're excited to have in your life so that is all for me in today's video i am just really excited here from you.
Hopefully you found all of this helpful in your journey to understanding the opportunities of Lions Gate.