Living a Life of Gratitude
Vocalizing gratitude is much more than being polite or respectful. It’s cultivating thankfulness by taking a moment to absorb people, places, and things around you. The things you see, feel, hear, smell, taste & experience. Imagine taking a moment and looking at a magnificent sky, a one-of-a-kind piece of art you will never see in exactly the same way again. Take it in! See it in all its glorious majesty. Taking time to absorb it, immerse yourself in it, appreciate it helps one articulate the gratitude.
Imagine if you could take the time to truly absorb the beauty in the people, places and things that bless you each day and bring you joy?
Practicing a ritual of gratitude daily can change your life. You are telling the Universe or your higher power YES this is what I like, want, and need. This allows more and more of the things you Like, want, and need to manifest in your life. Lastly, you do not have to wait until one time of the day to voice your gratitude, get in a habit of speaking your gratitude as it happens as well. Yes, THAT’S IT! That’s what I am talking about! Thank you Universe I’ll take more of THAT!!!!
Stopping to acknowledge your gratitude regularly is a life changing habit.
Peace, Nonna
Gratitude in action!
To live a life of gratitude is to live a life filled with joy and abundance.