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Florida Water
Prepare a bowl nearby when working with ancestors or guides & asking them for advice or accessing Akashic records.
Wipe down your mirror with diluted Florida water, before doing self-love rituals in front of the mirror.
Energetically cleanse yourself by spraying it around you or putting a bit on your wrists.
Energetically cleanse ritual tools like crystals with a bit of diluted FW to give them a refresh.
Use it to cleanse your altar & anything on it by diluting some with water in a spray bottle & spraying on your altar, then wiping down.
Use it in your usual floor cleaner to cleanse your home & wash away negative energy.
Fill a small bowl with spring or moon water, Florida water, & a piece of a bluing square. Place the bowl by your front door to draw out negative energy from your home. Replace the water once a week.
Use it as the water element in rituals, along with a candle for fire, a crystal or rock for earth, & incense for air. (It's considered powerful to have all four elements present when doing rituals.)
Spray some diluted Florida water and patchouli essential oil on your cash for extra abundance.
Add a bit to your laundry (especially bedding if you frequently have nightmares) for protection.
Place some in a bowl on your nightstand to more easily remember your dreams.
Place a small bowl of Florida water on your altar as an offering of self-love.
Dilute Florida water with spring water in a spray bottle & use the spray to cleanse any room.
Spray some diluted Florida water around you or your space before you begin readings or pendulum work.
Spray some diluted Florida water around you or your space before meditating.
Anoint yourself with a bit if you want an energetic refresh or a boost of creativity & inspiration.
Use it for any spells or rituals for attracting love to increase the potency of the spell/ritual.
Wear a bit like perfume whenever you want protection.
Keep some in your workplace or on your desk to welcome positive energy and banish negativity.